2017 Commencement
On June 9, with friends, family, board members, volunteers, supporters and staff in attendance, 14 students celebrated completion of their Associate of Arts Degree—transferrable to any college or university—after completing 20 classes in the humanities, social sciences, math, and science.
Valedictorian Address
Angelo F. offered remarks at the ceremony, saying "Ladies and Gentlemen, today is no ordinary day. Today is a dream come true. Earning a degree brings me the greatest satisfaction and greatest joy."
Please note: Previous to September 2020, Mount Tamalpais College operated at San Quentin State Prison as the Prison University Project and students received their degrees from our accredited university partner, Patten University.

Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
Beyond completing my AA Degree–and release on parole–I have major life goals that I would like to meet within a time frame of twenty years. I would like to rebuild and expand the family business, attain financial security for me and my elderly parents, establish an irrevocable endowment fund, earn a Master’s Degree, and retire in Peru.
The family businesses–in floral retail sales and wedding and event planning–was established in 1988. After my departure in 1999, the company has struggled to compete as a brick and mortar business. In todays digital world, it needs to upgrade and expand its retail operations online, but my elderly parents need my help to accomplish this transition and expansion. Financial security is critical long-term goal that will provide for me.
What has been the most challenging part about being a college student?
It was challenging to set aside remnants of my past and of my insecurities. I had a bad habit of keeping score. Although my father is white, I was born with my mother’s dark Peruvian skin. While attending elementary school, I discovered that I was perceived differently by most of my white teachers because of my dark indigenous features. No matter how hard I worked or how well I performed, I was never good enough. I had to work twice as hard as the other students and this meant keeping score.
Today, grades and points don’t matter anymore. Learning is more important to me than how I rank among other students. In fact, the moment I stopped keeping score, my grades actually improved! I am hyper-focused on learning and how the lessons can improve my life, regardless of the grade or score my instructor writes on the paper. I developed a love of learning just for the sake of learning.
What are you passionate about?
In general, I am passionate about equality, learning, and community building. When it comes to equal treatment and equal access to things like higher education, employment opportunity, and fair housing practices, the United States has made great strides, but more work must be done. No country should claim to be the land of opportunity if it treats half of its people unfairly. After more than two centuries, the U.S. still has a significant gender divide, racial inequity, and a racially based distribution of wealth.
Nothing brings a community together like finding solutions to major problems: from cleaning up abandoned commercial properties, to sprucing up a community center, to getting roads paved and street lights fixed. When people feel that they have a stake in their communities, it wakes up something in their hearts that refuses to ignore problems they have an ability to resolve.
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
Accept personal responsibility for your life, sow seeds of good will, and choose to reduce your suffering. Your choices help create the outcomes and experiences of your lives. Successful people often make wiser choices than people who struggle. While at San Quentin, I learned that we have all had lapses of judgement and faltered. But in every one of those times, it was an opportunity to learn and develop resiliency…Byron Katie once said, “Reality is always the story of the past, and what I love about the past is — it’s over.”
Help someone everyday. We all have unique talents and gifts that can help the next person find his or her own. There is no greater gift to humanity than that of soothing another’s pain.

As you prepare to graduate, what kind of legacy do you want to leave for the Prison University Project community?
The legacy I want to leave is this: graduation at any age can be possible, if only you apply yourself. Education is the key to a better understanding of life, and a responsibility to a larger community.
What has been your favorite school assignment, and why?
My favorite writing assignment was a poem that I wrote for my Creative Writing class. I learned that hurt and pain and disappointment can be expressed deeply in writing.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
Goals that I have set for myself: to continue to educate and learn about myself and my strengths in a deeper, meaningful way. I want to be a part of society as a whole. I want to give back because I’ve been given love and support from so many people, inside and outside of my biological family.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
What most people that don’t have a family member who is incarcerated misunderstand is the fact that we do change for the better. Applying oneself brings about a change from within, and it creates a hope and love for life and our fellow man. The more opportunity an individual has to become educated in all areas of life, the more the early values and morals instilled in him from an early age come back to him.
Are you involved in any activities outside of the Prison University Project?
I am the Vice President of Alliance for CHANGE. This is very important to me because it has created hope and new goals, ethically, in my life. It’s been a driving force in my education.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed?
I thank my daughter Shanikka for being with me and supporting me from day one of this heartache. I thank my Aunt Mozell and Laura for their contact and support. I thank my mother, Maenell, for strength and my Grandmother Ola for God and Jesus Christ being in my heart.

As you prepare to graduate from the Prison University Project, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want your life to touch others in the College Program, at San Quentin, and in the larger community?
As the graduation ceremony approaches, I think about how all of my past failures are salvaged by one present success; achieving an AA Degree. The journey was long and laborious, but empowering. There were moments when I thought that I was not cut from the college cloth, that my capacity to learn new things was limited. Certain classes seemed too complicated for my simple mind. I was intimidated by both assignments and students. “You’re not smart enough,” the voice in my head would say. But the limit on learning is a self-placed barrier, something removable. I hope that my experience encountering higher education leaves students, whose minds are plagued with self-doubt like mine was, encouraged. That they too would embrace the struggle, and understand the importance of diligent study. Nobody is born with knowledge, it is something we all gain as we grow. Know that smart people are studied people.
What has been your favorite school assignment?
My favorite school assignment has been the essay. Formulating ideas and developing them on a page in a clear, cohesive, and thoughtful way is satisfying. Although the process is agonizing, it’s worth every written word, because you learn something with each paper, something you may have been completely unaware of. In English 204, I’ve learned that there is no essay that cannot be written. In English 101A: that if you allow your imagination to drive, you can always write something interesting. In Philosophy 217, Psychology 221, Sociology 230: that reasonable people with reasonable arguments will always be challenged by reasonable people with reasonable arguments, and that in the end, after weeks of toiling over a draft, somebody will not be persuaded. Writing essays builds character.
What piece of work are you most proud of?
There is no one piece of work that I’m most proud of. Everything that my teachers helped me accomplish had its moment. But the most recent moment was two semesters ago, when I was one paper away from graduation. As usual, I was having trouble clamping down on one idea-I had so many good ones. The subject was Psychology (Childhood Development), and my instructors were Maria Allis and Gail Fisher. Since it was my last class, I had a deep desire to finish strong. I wanted to go out with a bang so to speak, like Al Pacino in the 1983 film “Scarface.” But instead of being powered by cocaine, with machine guns blazing, I was being powered by caffeine, with pens blazing. So I thought about my friends serving life sentences for murders they committed as teens, and about how the decision to murder is related to a child’s psychosocial development. I felt good about the idea. I also felt like it was my duty and responsibility to shed more light on teen violence, since I have a direct connection to “juvenile lifers” at San Quentin. So I wrote about it. I finished the paper feeling like I did my community, a community that tends to be misrepresented, justice.
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
If I could share one piece of advice with incoming students, I would say challenge yourself. Take two, three, or even four classes if possible. Turn your prison bid into a university bid and don’t let your college experience stop there. Make a positive impact on your world; especially for the little ones who see you as a leader. Never be afraid to question or challenge your beliefs. Because in the end, what is true and good remains. Finally, things with worth, like gaining a college education, are never easy. But be encouraged because your reward is worth every bit of struggle.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
My AA Degree is the first step in a staircase of higher education. I dream of attending UC Berkeley for a BS in Chemistry-for now. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to make this dream of mine real, but I came this far and that in itself is mind blowing for me and everybody that I grew up with. It’s not going to be easy-nothing with value ever is. I was encouraged by an article that I read in the “New Yorker.” It was my story! If students overcame such an environment and went on to attend one of our country’s greatest universities, why not me?
What has been the most challenging part of being a college student?
The most challenging part of being a college student for me has been overcoming self doubt. Prison provides the space and the place for solitude-important for any student’s success-but if you doubt your ability to progress intellectually, college becomes more difficult. That’s why I found oral presentation so frightful. I felt like I’d be exposed for the fraud that I thought that I was. That the class would erupt in laughter as I made a fool out of myself, but that I couldn’t quit either because then I’d really be a fraud. I was stuck, and forced out of my comfort zone. So there I was, in English 101A, standing in one of the loneliest spaces of my life: up in front of the class. The last time I remembered speaking in front of a class was in a 9th grade social studies class, and I was horrible. Nevertheless, I committed, and I prepared. When it was over, the silence was interrupted by a standing ovation. In that moment, I knew that there was something special about me.
What does Liberal Arts Education mean to you? Why study liberal arts?
A Liberal Arts education is a window into the beauty, struggle, and cruelty of humanity’s will to endure. Through it, we can strive to be and do better. We can learn what it means to uphold and respect the beliefs of others, no matter how different or contrary they are to our own. A Liberal Arts education attempts to answer the question of how can we live long, peaceful lives in the presence of those we cherish.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about making a difference in someone else’s life, like the Prison University Project has made a difference in mine.
Are you involved in any activities outside of the Prison University Project? What are they, and why are they important to you?
I am currently the photographer for the San Quentin News-among other things that help to get our newspaper to the printing press. I’m also a part of the California Reentry Institute, a program sponsored by volunteer Collette Carroll. Myself and a group of guys help facilitate the program that is fixed on teaching emotional intelligence and life skills like resume writing and job interview preparation. I also represent the San Quentin 1000 Mile Club, whose central focus is on camaraderie and rehabilitation through running. June 19th is our 10 mile race,. The San Quentin Marathon is in November. Yoga has also been a part of me for the past three years, with Yogi James Fox, our teacher. But all of my progress hinges on a decision I made 12 years ago go to follow Christ. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for God’s loving presence that kept this 5’2’’ 125 lb. Mexican safe in a place where Mexicans “don’t!” walk the yard alone.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed?
My mother and family are the ones that helped me succeed behind the walls. It was through their love and ability to see past my evil deeds that birthed in me a desire to do better. They went out of their way to make sure that I understood that even though I was alone in a cold cell, they were with me. It takes special people to inconvenience themselves on behalf of another. Especially one that disconnected himself from his family, like I did prior to my incarceration. Ma, I love you.
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
We live together, we eat together, we laugh and cry together, it’s only fitting that we graduate together, now let’s tear down these walls together!

As you prepare to graduate, what kind of legacy do you want to leave for the college community? How do you want your life to touch others in the College Program, at San Quentin, and in the larger community?
My journey in education was a rocky road of confusion and uncertainty because as an adolescent, and as a young adult I had no interest in education. It’s mechanisms of math and literature was like a foreign language to me. Due to this confusion I found myself shying away from education, and I began to live and learn life by my human instincts. I did not tap into my educational abilities and interest until I was in my early twenties, but unfortunately by that time I had made some bad judgment decisions which led me to prison at the age of seventeen. The intellectual and educational tools I’ve learned while obtaining my AA Degree have broadened my knowledge and understanding about every facet of life, government, culture, and how we live as human beings. Living by your human instincts can never give you the insight into the world we live in like education can. Education builds your understanding of the world. It ignites your intellect, which leads to your ability to comprehend the world we live in. Education was the key to my enlightenment and insight to amelioration of a successful life.
What has been your favorite class, and why?
Public Health. We were given an assignment to draft a grant proposal on a topic of our own choosing. I chose Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in incarcerated people. I chose this topic because I wanted to learn more about my own PTSD symptoms and causes, as well as to help those who have related challenges. I’ve learned that this is truly an issue that needs to be addressed by those in authority. PTSD is a real problem in the penal system across America, however, there is little being done to address this severe psychological disorder. Studying PTSD has taught me of my own systems and how to address them through self-help groups.
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
No matter what position you find yourself in, whether it be freedom or incarceration, rich or poor. No matter what race or color, or what gang or organization you find compatibility. Remember the only way to find true freedom is through education. It opens a whole new horizon of knowledge and opportunity for you to challenge your personal beliefs and values, to restructure, to add, and to explore new ideologies. New information can make you a better human being. It is only through education that you can begin to challenge you!
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
Completing my AA Degree is just the beginning, although I’m advanced in age, and a late bloomer with my educational endeavors. I plan to continue higher education. My next goal is to get my BA in Juvenile Justice/Counseling. I wish to help at-risk youth to build life skills.
What has been the most challenging part of being a college student?
I’ve never been a public speaker, so going into my communications class was quite challenging. I had to overcome my fears of public speaking by practicing and performing class speeches. Even to this day, I still find it unsettling to speak in public settings.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed?
There is a network of people who have, and continue to, assist in my reintegration and success. My mother (Mary Benton), who has been in my corner since birth, adolescence, and adult life. She has stood by me throughout my good and bad times in life. She’s been my back bone and best friend when all others failed me. Even when I’ve failed her, she continued to show me unconditional love and support. Then there’s my daughter (Keiyana Blackwell), who has given me her undying love despite the fact that I’ve been incarcerated all her life. Also, there is the show of support from all of my friends and family members, who continue to encourage me through letters and phone calls. They are proud of my positive accomplishments. And last but not least, are all of my University teachers and tutors, who’ve taught and tutored me to be the best that I can be in my educational endeavors. Thank you all.
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
Never forget the purpose, or why you chose to pursue your higher education. The fuel that sparked the fire for your desire to obtain your AA Degree. Never forget that determination to better yourself. Never forget the shadows of darkness you’ve come from to the shining light of success that only education can give. Congratulations to you. This is only the beginning.

What has been your favorite school assignment, and why?
My favorite school assignment was writing a 20-page research paper for English 204. This was my favorite assignment because it gave me the opportunity to thoroughly research a subject that I was very passionate about. So it really wasn’t a school assignment at all. It was more like a passion project that I received college credits for. The subject of my research paper was the historical relationship between African-Americans and entrepreneurship. What I discovered wasn’t only surprising, but eye-opening. I learned that not only had former slaves used entrepreneurship as a means to purchase the freedom of themselves and their families, but also that post-antebellum African-American cities (Atlanta, Chicago, Durham) used entrepreneurship to create thriving self-sustaining business markets. This made me think, if black people could do this during a time when access to resources was virtually non-existent, what’s stopping any of us in this day and age from achieving the same success? This assignment led me to see the parallels between slaves and convicted felons, and also to see the exciting potential that exists within entrepreneurship.
Beyond graduation, what goals have you set for yourself?
Beyond completing my AA Degree, I intend to return back to school in order to earn a Bachelor’s Degree. Ultimately, my goal is to earn an M.B.A. It will be a challenge, but that is a goal that I’ve set for myself. Earning an Associate Degree is a huge accomplishment, but now I kind of feel like I’m only halfway there. I still have a ways to go and I plan on taking many breaks in the interim, but I will accomplish what I set out to do. Business – more specifically, entrepreneurship – is something that I’m passionate about and I’m excited about all that I have yet to learn. But what’s even more exciting will be finding creative ways to apply all that I learn to my everyday life.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people?
I think people commonly misunderstand that an incarcerated person’s intelligence isn’t always measured by their education level. I wish people understood how important critical thinking is and the impact that teaching this skill could have on the criminal justice system in general. Speaking for myself, critical thinking has allowed me to unlock my inherent intelligence and approach life in a much more thoughtful and compassionate way.
What are you passionate about?
What I’m most passionate about is entrepreneurship. I’m passionate about entrepreneurship because it is the one legitimate career path that I can pursue that won’t leave me feeling like I’ve sold out. Entrepreneurship allows me to be me. It doesn’t restrict or confine me to the structure of the traditional workplace. I can be my own boss, and most important of all, as a convicted felon, entrepreneurship frees me from being at the mercy of the stigmas and biases of a discriminatory job market that will use my past against me. I’m also passionate about entrepreneurship because I believe it can be used to equip individuals like myself with a tool that is used to help rebuild the communities that I contributed to destroying.
Are you involved in any activities outside of the Prison University Project?
An activity that I’m involved with outside of the Prison University Project is the San Quentin Prison Report (SQPR). SQPR is a multi-media production program that is run exclusively by prisoners. Our mission is to highlight the rehabilitative work of San Quentin’s incarcerated population. I serve as managing editor of SQPR and this program is important to me because it affords me the rare opportunity to be trained in audio and video production. It also affords me the opportunity to counter the negative stereotypes of prisons and prisoners that dominate the national media.
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
To my fellow graduates, I would like to say that this degree demonstrates that our only limitations are the limitations we place on ourselves. This degree is a testament to our tenacity, our resilience, and to our ability to see something through until the end. There were plenty of times when it felt like this process would never end, but we never gave up and now this leg of the race is complete. We can do whatever we put our minds to and because of this no obstacle is insurmountable. Getting this degree was not easy-actually, it was pretty difficult – and it nobody commends us for it, let me be the first to do it. We did that and we bosses for this. So congrats to us.

What has been your favorite class or school assignment?
My favorite class was communications because it gave me some very valuable tools. For example: listening to people to understand what is being said, then processing the information. In this class, I learned to be patient and understanding in order to become an effective mediator. My communication skills are a lot more productive and my conversations are more meaningful. Relationships with family members have grown, as well as my confidence level.
What piece of work are you most proud of, and why?
I’m most proud of my Sociology final paper because it was one of my toughest projects. I had my doubts that I would complete the project but encouragement from my teacher, Jane Yamashiro, gave me the confidence I needed to finish. I had to follow directions and truly understand that this was a difficult project that demanded time and energy. Once finished, I proudly handed the finished project to my teacher. Her response was “This is exactly how I wanted it.”
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
The advice I would share with incoming students is: learn to have time-management skills and be patient. Time management is necessary in order to read, study, work, and have time for self. You have to be patient because learning is a process that at times is difficult, and everybody don’t learn at the same pace. Also, enjoy the journey and be willing to let go of negative perceptions and be open to different world views. Most importantly, talk to a coordinator to set up a plan that guides you on the path to an AA Degree.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
I plan on pursuing a Bachelors and going as far as I can with my education. I want to get a lot stronger in math so I can get involved in computer coding. Through education, I’m able to set attainable goals where before I couldn’t. I want to transfer my credits to a University and take classes that will help me on my way to achieving gainful employment and living a quality life. My ultimate goal is to attain freedom and be an example to my family and community by being positive and sharing the knowledge I’ve gained.
What has been the most challenging part of being a college student?
The most challenging part was getting started and understanding that I‘ve lost a lot of what I used to know about basic education. I was discouraged and frustrated a lot! I dropped classes because I didn’t like certain people in the class. I had to find a place to work where I was comfortable. Then there’s math! By far, math gave me the biggest headache. My mind just doesn’t retain information like it used to. This created difficulty during quizzes and exams. Making the transition back to school and being around other students was very awkward. I had to push myself every semester because it was easier to do nothing than to go to school.
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
I can’t give credit to just one teacher because I’ve been influenced by many teachers and in many different ways. The positive energy that these teachers brought has allowed me to view people differently.

As you prepare to graduate from Prison University Project, what kind of legacy do you want to leave for the college community?
I hope that I’ve showed other people about perseverance. I’ve spent nine years as a student, so I’ve been a part of the College Program longer than anyone other than Jody. I’ve been distracted by a lot of things along the way, and I’ve taken a lot of classes that I didn’t pass, but I never gave up. I came back from each failure and learned to grow from it. The whole experience was terrifying, but I did it.
What has been the most surprising part of being a college student?
I think I was surprised at how much I grew during my college experience. I assumed that I would walk out of school with a bunch of knowledge in my head, but I didn’t expect college to change the way I viewed other people, or the way I viewed myself. Growing up around a lot of violence and trauma, I had a view of the world that was marked by danger. I saw everyone around me as a potential enemy. I had to do that, to protect myself. Once I joined the College Program, my view shifted. I encountered so many volunteers from the outside who were invested in my success. I started to think, “if so many people care about what happens to me here, the world can’t be against me.”
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
Becca Carter was my very first mentor. She tutored me in algebra, and after working with me for only month, helped me to pull off an A in the class. She was the first person I started to get to know outside of the context of prison, and as I started to see the world through her experiences, my own view of the world shifted. I gained so much from our interactions.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
I want to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, and would like to link up with the Underground Scholars Program at U.C. Berkeley when I am released. My mother told me that I was always good with puzzles as a child, and that teachers would get mad at me because I could finish a puzzle before they had time to share the instructions. To me, computer coding is the ultimate puzzle, because there’s no end to what you can build. I’m also looking forward to being a father. I have four daughters and one grandbaby. I can’t wait to watch my youngest daughter play basketball. One day, I’d like to build a leadership academy for children with incarcerated parents. So many children of incarcerated parents don’t have an outlet for processing the trauma they experience. I want to help give them the emotional and educational tools they need to thrive.
What are you passionate about?
I’m really passionate about the environment. I work with GreenLife, which helps to promote environmental literacy. Their motto is that we should live with the earth, not just on it. I believe that how we see ourselves is reflected in how we treat our planet. When I was on the streets I didn’t value myself, so I polluted my community.

What has been your favorite school assignment, and why? What did you learn?
The most interesting subjects for me were the last few courses that I took. One was social sciences, and the other was world trade. We have difficult and unique problems in our country. It’s too bad some interests are demonized in the early 20th century-but always a problem; also, the modern increases in media has an intensity paralleled by history: the late
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
There was one mathematics instructor who handled class problems very well. I recall a brief conversation about economics. In my “class instructor assessment,” I praised him somewhat; he ought to have a symposium on the “art of teaching” for friends and colleagues.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
It promotes poverty and isolation, but also gives an opportunity to develop interest in books and study. I spent 15 years studying chemistry, from general inorganic to biochemistry, with excursions into related fields. Best of all was botany, but there was very little theoretical study there. I was a gardener for about a year and a half in Los Angeles.

As you prepare to graduate from the Prison University Project, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want your life to touch others in the college program, at San Quentin, and the larger community?
It is difficult to talk about my legacy considering the environment in which I achieved my college degree. The truth is I never expected to achieve anything positive. I truly believe that we are not defined by the things that happen to us in our lives but how we deal with those things. As I consider the word “legacy,” I realize that life is not linear. I have experienced many ups and downs and it is through those experiences that I have effected the lives of the people around me. I feel like my legacy here at San Quentin is that self-imposed obstacles can be overcome, and if we continue to make good choices and decisions we can change the narrative of our lives.
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student.
Over the last several years I have had many instructors who have effected my life in a positive way. However, the one who has had a lasting effect on my life is Nathaniel Moore. Nate was my African History teacher and as I reflect on that relationship I realize that it was not so much the content of the class, but the easiness of talking to him. No matter what we were talking about, I felt accepted for who I was, not for what I wanted others to see me as. We eventually started working together in a different organization and that relationship has continued to grow. I cannot thank Nate enough for giving me the space to be myself and helping me grow as a person.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed? Tell us about them.
In 2008 I was housed in Ad-Seg at Susanville State Prison. I had no idea the direction my life was going to take. What I did know was that I had an amazing family who refused to give up on me, even when I was making bad decisions. My mom Vicky, my sister DeeDee, my aunt and uncle Veda and Robert, and not counting the rest of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. In 2010 I was lucky enough to be housed at San Quentin and my life was forever changed. I met an amazing woman who is now my wife, her bad luck not mine. Sarah showed me that it was okay to be myself, that exposing who I really was would help me grow; thank you for that, Sarah. My entire family stood by me as I struggled through school. They never let me give up on myself and for that I will forever be thankful. Not only is this accomplishment for me, but for all of you as well. I love all of you.

As you prepare to graduate from the Prison University Project, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want your life to touch others in the College Program, at San Quentin, and in the larger community?
As I prepare to graduate from Prison University Project, the kind of legacy I want to leave behind is that of someone that appreciated the opportunity to participate in the program. I want my life to touch others in the College Program by knowing that a higher education is being offered. Don’t be afraid or feel intimidated because of the assignments. Be proud to know that you are doing the same work as college students in society right here at San Quentin.
The larger community should know that the Prison University Project is extremely appreciated by the inmates. There are tutors to assist students regarding their class curriculum.
What piece of work are you most proud of, and why?
The piece of work I’m most proud of is my research paper from English 204. I am proud because the Prison University Project provided me with the opportunity and assistance to accomplish my desired task.
My research was on female deities. This stemmed from the “Great Mother Goddess” and other female deities who were worshipped in Ancient Kemit, (present-day Egypt), before the worship of masculinity. Fro Nigeria to the Ivory Coast, female wisdom was adopted and practice through principles of meditation, known as Vodu.
I learned that patriarchy, endorsed by the nomads from Greece, changed many female symbols to male ones. Misogyny, through the support of male social institutions , contributed to the suppression of heavenly female equality, and religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have ended the worship of female deities.
Knowing this information has made me so deeply proud, and I continue to acknowledge and worship the “Great Mother Goddess.”
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
The one piece of advice I would share with incoming students that I would like to share is this: Take a deep breath, relax, and clear your mind. Be prepared to go on a wonderful journey to a higher education.
Do not get discouraged. Remain focused on learning and work at your own pace. Do what you can and don’t ever feel as though you can’t do the work. There are plenty of tutors to assist you with whatever it is that you find difficult to understand.
With the Prison University Project, you have a chance to advance rehabilitating yourself. I know that distractions are all around. Make the decision to let go and become stronger within yourself. Strengthen your mind.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
Beyond completing my AA Degree, other goals that I have set for myself are: one day obtaining my freedom from incarceration, continuing with my education, helping others by being of assistance with school work, and continuing to support addicts with their sobriety.
I have the heart to be of assistance to those who are experiencing a little trouble with their school assignments. I like to see people trying and speaking up when they need help. I once had the problem of not saying anything when I needed help. Once I started speaking up, I noticed that people were glad to help, and that boosted my spirit. Now I am able to assist others. When I assist others, I know that they appreciate it, because they say “thank you!” They are able to understand that nothing is difficult when help is available, and it makes me proud.
What has been the most challenging part of being a college student? Is there a time you’ve had to push yourself outside of your comfort zone? Tell us about it.
The most challenging part of being a college student is knowing that professors are from universities throughout the Bay Area. I’m always glad to hear them speak about their students on campus having problems with schoolwork. When that’s said, I think about the classroom and realize that, “Hey, we’re in college. No time to complain, get busy!
There were times that I had to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I planned to have completed college in a certain amount of time. I was taking three courses at a time to stay on my schedule. When I made it to Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, my three classes that I would usually take came to a halt. I had to give my full attention to these classes; there was no thinking of anything else. It had gotten serious. My comfort zone was over with. I had to push myself after completing intermediate algebra. I had to enroll in four courses to catch back up to my schedule. After passing the four classes, I was exhausted.
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
An instructor who has been especially influential in my experience as a student is Elizabeth. She was a tutor when I enrolled in Intermediate Algebra. She displayed great patience. I had problems with the material. Instead of going over the difficult problems on the chalkboard, she had me step up to the board and try to solve them myself. I knew that she was aware of my being nervous, and that other students also found the work to be challenging.
What I appreciated was that she was patient and soft spoken. When I did make an error, she would ask me what was the step I had to perform before I wrote the error. With her method, I smiled. I felt better because I had more confidence. She never showed signs of being exhausted of repeating steps. She refused to move on until everyone had solved the problem.
She impacted me in a great way with her patience and calm attitude. When I assist others, I utilize her method of patience, never displaying signs of being upset or making someone feel that they would never understand the work. When I use her method, students are glad to continue moving forward instead of giving up. Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed? Tell us about them.
The person in my life who has helped me succeed would be my late mother, Dorothy Briggs. Without her, nothing would have been possible. Her wisdom was profound. She always urged me to deal with situations in a respectable way, and I continue to live by her words. My cousin, Lakeisha Scott, has helped me succeed with her strength and support. She is a very caring person and it shows through her advice. She inspires me to continue with being positive, and to not give up on my goals. My aunt Peggy Stovall has always helped me to succeed with her positive attitude and conversation. She is an Emeritus from the field of Liberal Arts. She’s retired twice, which shows her character. I hope that she can stop traveling so much, and begin working on some books that she’s promised to write!
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
Some words of wisdom I would like to share with my fellow graduates: Destiny is what you make it out to be. If you’re going to be positive, all will be okay, and if not, please keep your seatbelt on and make sure that your airbags work.” I congratulate everyone for completing the journey of obtaining a higher education. I know the experience may not have been good because of others wanting to you continue playing games. I’m glad that you chose the appropriate decision.
I encourage everyone to continue helping others who would like to experience this journey. Lastly, don’t anyone throw their caps and gowns and run naked. Remember you can still go to the hole. Much love to everyone and good luck to you all!

What has been your favorite school assignment, and why? What did you learn?
My favorite school assignment was in English 101A. We were issued some books to read and one was Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass. This work woke me up, and the impact has been that I now value an education. In my teen years, my feelings about school fell somewhere in between indifference and hate. Now, after reading Douglass’ account, I wished that his work had been required reading in my youth. An epiphany hit me the day I discovered this secret: education will free you, and without it you are a slave. Today I view education as a remedy for the feelings of powerlessness which have besieged me most of my life. Presently in this state of empowerment, I believe that the human capacity of all people’s potential is unlimited through the transformational power of education.
What piece of work are you most proud of?
The piece of work that I am most proud of is the paper that I wrote in Sociology class, promoting equality between men and women. My upbringing wholly lacked healthy representations of male-female interactions, developing in me a very skewed perspective of the world, which remained hidden within. For this reason, I’m able to recognize the tremendous distance that my perspective has shifted from the unhealthy male chauvinism to a healthy feminism. I am incarcerated for physical, sexual, economic, and emotional violence that I perpetrated on my underage girlfriend, who, six months later, gave birth to our daughter. Today, twenty years later, I am able to equate all women as equals to men and I appreciate the opportunity to actively speak out in defense in the very area that was formerly my blind spot.
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
Right at this very moment, you are where you are supposed to be. Whatever needs that you have, we—the Patten Family at San Quentin—shall help you to fulfill. Don’t overload yourself, as feeling overwhelmed may render you less productive. Push yourself, test your limits, and settle into your sweet spot. Focus on what you want and never give up. The conduct of your actions will always reveal where your focus truly lies. I took English 204 three times before I finally passed the class. I have dropped many classes and the “W” for a withdrawal is no stranger to my college transcripts. The requirements to graduate adjusted to add English 102, after I thought I was finished with English. Prison violence, quarantines, and modified programs kept me out of class, but it all served to sharpen my focus. Adversity and all the haters are necessary for growth of character. So where you find yourself right now, know that you are already destined to be an overcomer. What you put in, is exactly what you will get back; give 100% and value your education.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
I plan to use my education to give back to the community that I once took from. I hope to help the same vulnerable population that I came from, and push the educational system in America to amend the pre-K through 12th curriculum. Besides rethinking the process of funding that leaves schools across our nation inadequate and unequal, I want a curriculum on emotional intelligence included as an asset of equal, if not greater importance in the state business of human development. Emotional intelligence includes the development of interpersonal skills that many of us lacked in our formative school years of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Focus in this area will drastically impact the amount of people with behavior problems as it addresses the core problem of criminal thinking which leads to antisocial behavior. This direction removes all fears and barriers that make people apprehensive about being transparent, allowing them to pinpoint how they feel and why. Whatever else I do in life, I want to help normalize emotional intelligence.
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
The instructor and tutor who has been especially influential in my experience as a student is none other than Alessandra Wollner, a.k.a. Allie. Reintroducing us to the joy in learning, she has done more to motivate me than anyone in this world. Figuratively holding our hand along the way, she came back the next semester as a tutor, and I trust that wherever she is, she is effectively teaching her students. First impressions are powerful and she, along with the other two instructors, chose a stellar curriculum. Ms. Wollner’s ultimate concern for one of the most vulnerable social classes is a testament to how much passion she has for teaching and reveals the high esteem in which she holds her students. Allie allowed me to feel human again, to feel like an important part of the whole. Her affinity for those on the lowest rungs of society restored a part of me that was lying dormant for so long, and for this reboot, she shall always be a part of me. Amazingly, many more volunteers have blazed the same trail, and this is why I trust the Prison University Project. Thank you for giving me what I felt so unworthy of.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed? Tell us about them.
First and foremost, the one who has helped me to succeed is my creator Yahweh, for he gives me the strength to move forward in peace when I feel like the world has abandoned me. Secondly, the Prison University Project and all the staff (my extended family). Last but definitely not least is my daughter Brittany. When she was born I was suddenly forced to be concerned about another human being. I wanted her to be proud to have me in her life. “Don’t worry about it!” was what she repeated to me over a prison phone call. She was only two years old but full of wisdom beyond her years. Fourteen years later, she gave me the most effective approach to homework. “Whenever I get the assignment, I do it right away,” she told me. As a habitual procrastinator, this strategy has helped me to lower my anxiety. Brittany is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Several months after my arrest, she was born. She gave me feelings that I had previously classified as inappropriate. I was later to begin my journey of embracing my feelings of concern, compassion, and belonging. I am so very blessed, and forever thankful for her love in my life.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system? And about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
The most commonly misunderstood belief about the criminal justice system is that longer sentences and harsher punishments deter crime. In fact, prisons across the nation are full of crime and contraband, and it is by design. The irony is that for many of us, at the time of the offense, we were 100% convinced it was the correct or only thing to do to survive. We lacked critical thinking, due to the fact that we had embraced the criminal thinking errors which gave birth to violent antisocial behaviors. Unfortunately, the violence experienced then references the strategy of violence in the mind as a solution that is both temporary and ineffective. Frustrated by the contradiction, we fall into hopelessness that is disguised as not giving an “f” word. The good news is that education is the most effective, evidence-based crime deterrent. What the criminal justice system lacks, the restorative justice system can revive. The criminal justice system serves the system itself, while restorative justice serves the needs of humanity, involving the whole community. As human beings, we all have value. The question is, “where do you want us to have value?” As anti-social habitual offenders that escalate, or as pro-social, productive members of society?

Beyond completing your AA Degree, what goals have you set for yourself?
I want to take my daughter to dinner, and when/if she gets married, I want to walk her down the aisle. I want to earn an MFA and a PhD and teach at a university. I want to develop Prison Renaissance, the non-profit organization I co-founded that creates models for incarcerated people to participate constructively in society.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
I think people misunderstand the criminal justice system by thinking it’s about good people and bad people. It’s not. It’s more so about marginalized people and privileged people. I wish people understood that not only can money buy justice – which makes no justice at all – but poverty invites injustice. What I wish people understood about incarcerated people is that people living criminal lifestyles want productive roles in society. But they feel locked out, so they join alternative societies. Some of these alternative societies are criminalized, and while of course cultural practices like gang warfare must be criminalized, what do you say to a 12-year old who is taught in his neighborhood that the violence you “know” is wrong is right. Does anyone really believe, for instance, that if they grew up in Syria and their whole family were members of ISIS, that they wouldn’t grow up to be terrorists? I think that once we understand that crime, violence, and even terrorism aren’t about good people and bad people, but about human conditions, we’ll develop more effective strategies for fostering a safer world.
What does Liberal Arts Education mean to you? Why study liberal arts?
Liberal arts, to me, is the study of what unites us as human beings. When I read in 2017 a story about an Athenian in 200 B.C.E and his struggles and values resonate with mine, the experience highlights our shared humanity. When I recognize that shared humanity with the Athenian stranger, I’m more likely to recognize the humanity I share with the white guy sitting across from me, or the Syrian I see on television. I also study liberal arts because it doesn’t teach me what to think. It teaches me how to think. With its disciplines for investigation, it gives me the tools to find my own conclusions. Liberal arts helped me find out who I was and what I believed. As a nation, we could save millions of children from making decisions that lead to prison if we taught them how to discover who they are and what they believe.
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about writing, literature, prison reform, social justice, and making amends to the communities I violated. These passions coalesce in my dedication to Prison Renaissance, an online journal and a movement to create more empathy through the exchange of art between free and incarcerated people. I co-founded the organization to promote literature created by incarcerated people, bring humanities practices to underserved populations, and use these practices to find unique solutions to social problems like mass incarceration.
Are you involved in any activities outside of the Prison University Project?
I’m involved in several activities outside of the Prison University Project. I write a monthly online column called “Good Behavior” for Easy Street Magazine. “Good Behavior” explores the intersection of life, art, and incarceration. It’s important because I use it to put a human face on incarcerated people. The column is a platform to break negative stereotypes about people like me. I’m also developing a registry of incarcerated people’s published work for Prison Renaissance. This is part of a campaign to interest professors in incorporating incarcerated people’s stories, essays, and talks into curricula. Our goal is to expose students to the human face of incarceration through their work while providing incarcerated people with another constructive way to participate in society.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed? Tell us about them.
My father taught me to read before I started school. During summer vacations and holidays, he made me read and write book reports. He taught me how to get a library card. He taught me discipline. The discipline and mastery of English he engendered in me helped me succeed. My mother taught me that it’s never too late to start your life over. 10 years after her divorce, she left her job as a bank teller and attended law school. She built a new life for herself. After a crisis in her life, she returned to her homeland Nigeria where she wasn’t licensed to practice law. So she went to law school again at 50 years old. I made all the wrong decisions in my teens, and they culminated in me murdering a man. Some people might consider murder a point of no return, but my mother taught me that it’s never too late to turn around and change your life. My daughter saved my life. She was born, and love transformed me. Before her, I didn’t care about anything, not even myself. But she gave me a reason to keep going, and on that journey, loving her taught me how to love myself.

As you prepare to graduate from the Prison University Project, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want your life to touch others in the College Program, at San Quentin, and in the larger community?
Education is important. Most look at college as a means for getting a sheet of paper to qualify for a job. That is a shallow view of the value of education. The years it takes to graduate from college prepares you for whatever the future holds. I missed out on so much when I tried to ignore the merits of a good education. College courses are not engineered to completely change your minds about your life, either. In a means-to-an-end sort of way, all a college course does is give you just enough curriculum to meet the professors’ criteria for passing the class. Go deeper into classes. Is it such a bad thing if it changes something about you? What if the class teaches you something right that you thought about wrongly? I would say, make it a point to welcome the change in your life that comes with education.
What has been your favorite school assignment, and why? What did you learn?
I cannot point to a single school assignment that I can call my favorite. I can indeed point to my college experience as a whole, and say it was far beyond my expectations. Prison sucks. Straight up. I am incredible grateful to the Prison University Project, because the volunteers here could be doing literally anything else: teaching at renowned schools, owning their own businesses, skiing in Aspen…anything. Instead, they choose to spend their time in here, working with us. That is an incredible blessing. I am an interactive learner. I need to be able to speak to a teacher when I have questions, instead of watching a video over and over. It is really good to be able to come to an actual classroom and have an actual class. Hearing ideas from teachers and students at the same time is the best way to learn, in my opinion.
What piece of work are you most proud of, and why?
During a chemistry midterm exam, I came across an extra credit question that read, “Make us laugh! Tell us a chemistry joke!” I could not think of a single thing resembling a joke, so I wrote a poem I called “Human Element.” It is a poem about finding identity through the periodic table, and had some terminology from the course as well. Honestly, all I was trying to do was get an extra five points. I have learned that sometimes we write what we feel without trying. I would never have learned that without coming to college. Another piece I wrote was called “The Rock, the River, and the Tree,” which was about being American, word to Walt Whitman. It got published in OpenLine a few years ago. It started as an assignment for English 99A. I did a set of film boards for Introduction to Film, too.
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
I would say, take your education seriously. It is a great opportunity to attend college, and there are a lot of great classes and teachers that will make your life better for having experienced and known them. This is a chance of a lifetime, and to miss it is to do yourself a grievous disservice. A chance for an education is not given to everyone the way some think it is. Indeed, I had to work extra hard to even consider going to college. The professors are in your corner, and the classes themselves are interactive and dynamic and informative.
Beyond completing your AA Degree, what other goals have you set for yourself?
I want to teach. I have to go back to school so I can learn more. I want to learn how to use computers for CGI, video games, films, and websites, as well as for educational and vocational means, including hardware and software programming. Once I learn all that, I want to teach others to do the same. I am also into spreading art and creativity, and in this digital world, computers are the way to go. I also want to use my writing to effect social change. As an emcee, I feel a burning need to make people aware of what is happening in the world, and to open up discussions about what to do about changing those harmful issues in a positive way.
What has been the most challenging part of being a college student? Is there a time you’ve had to push yourself outside of your comfort zone? Tell us about it.
Time management has been one of the biggest obstacles in my whole educational career. For the most part, the furthest outside my comfort zone I have had to go was during a Communications class. Writing lyrics and writing speeches are similar, in that you have to work with and regulate what you say to have maximum impact, establish credibility, and tug at the heartstrings of your listeners. The nervousness is born of wanting to get whatever it is you have to say across to all listeners without flaw, to deliver the message properly. Public speaking and rapping on the street corner barely differ in terms of audience, also. I have given speeches in classrooms, served emcees in clubs and the streets, and written essays for juveniles and whoever else wants to read them. I would never have done anything like that if it were not for college, especially with the Prison University Project.
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
I have researched and learned that the bulk of people are under the impression that the criminal justice system is beyond reproach, and that all incarcerated people do is kill and rape each other. The stereotype further states that we are the lowest of the low, and that it is our fault that society is failing. First of all, we do not spend our time killing and raping each other. It does happen, but those occasions are exceedingly rare. Time is spent working on ourselves so we can join society and be a benefit rather than a hindrance. Also, the criminal justice system is broken, and change needs to happen so justice can prevail. All of us, incarcerated and free, are responsible for that, and we need to fix it together.
Tell us about an instructor or tutor who has been especially influential in your experience as a student. How has s/he impacted you?
I cannot point to a single instructor or tutor that has been very influential in my college career here. Every teacher and tutor I have interacted with has had an impact on my educational endeavors. The teaching methods and curriculum have helped me in my own aspirations to become a teacher myself one day. Being able to talk to instructors that are open-minded and dedicated to actually helping instead of just going through the motions is key. It makes me want to be more involved in the educational progress of every student that asks me for help along the way.
What does Liberal Arts Education mean to you? Why study liberal arts?
Liberal Arts helps you prepare for more specialized areas of study. By studying a broad array of subjects, not only will you get a bit of knowledge about a lot of things, but you will gain the skills needed to further your educational goals. The Liberal Arts cover all educational pursuits in some way, or can at least be helpful and foundational. Also, Liberal Arts drive our lives, and studying them can help with navigating and functioning in the world, and having that sturdy foundation and knowledge can aid in bringing about change in the world, so it’s a better place for our future generations.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about so many things. Literacy. Gaming. Mathematics. Social change. Battle. Hip hop. Science fiction. Suns. Astrophysics. Education as a whole. I suppose all of these things, for me, are seen in terms of battle. Not that I am combative, or overly aggressive, or mean-spirited. Quite the opposite, in some cases. Battle, to me, is art and science combined. I have had to fight and struggle my entire life, with bullying classmates and teachers, family members and strangers, and especially with myself. Most of my life is spent girding for eventual battle, so I can have a chance to win, or at least participate fully in any and every battle, from social change to expanding my horizons.
Are you involved in any activities outside of PUP? What are they, and why are they important to you?
I am in the process of publishing my first book, and I am very excited about it. I strive to promote literacy and education, and while my book, Triumph, is science fiction, there is still a good amount of education that went into writing it. I also write for social change, mentoring young people so that they can live better than I have. The children are literally our future, and I want a better world for them, so they can improve the world for their children.
I am also an avid gamer. Games improve cognitive function and prosocial behavior. I apply gaming techniques in my life, including in educational pursuits, and when engaging in battle.
Who are the people in your life who have helped you succeed? Tell us about them.
The volunteers at the Prison University Project have helped me succeed, to be sure. My parents encouraged me to be the best I can be no matter what I do in life, so completing college is a great accomplishment for me. My friends and fellow classmates have helped me immensely, or those that really wanted to help me, at any rate. Mostly, though, I had to make a conscious choice to listen to those people who wanted to see me do better in life. To ignore the encouragement given by people who care enough to see me succeed is foolish, and would be detrimental to life as I know it. My self-esteem is better, too, because knowing people care is the best motivator ever.
What are some words of wisdom, congratulations, or encouragement that you’d like to share with your fellow graduates?
Congratulations to every graduate, whether it is from high school, getting a GED or high school equivalency, college – inside and out – those paroling and graduating to the street, those going through self-help groups, picking up coins for sobriety, and everything in between. Congratulations. Keep on fighting to make the world a better place. The world needs us to keep fighting, keep motivating each other, keep succeeding, so the future generations can follow our example. “When you know better, you do better” is the cliche people use, but it is the truth. Remember, though, that the more you know, the more you owe. Another cliche about sharing knowledge, which benefits everyone. Thank you.

As you prepare to graduate, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want your life to touch others in the College Program, and San Quentin, and in the larger community?
I want to leave the Prison University Project knowing that I can be proud of the fact that I didn’t quit. And I would like for those that follow to know that if I can do it, anyone can. Everything I’ve ever done in my life, I’ve walked away from. This degree will always be a reminder that I’m no longer a quitter. It’s one of the proudest moments of my life.
What has been your favorite class?
One of my favorite classes was an Art Appreciation class that focused on photography. Nigel Poor was the instructor. I enjoyed it because I was always interested in photography and through her experienced instruction, I was introduced to the world of Art. Not just photography; I learned to take in all forms of art, and almost as a byproduct, it taught me acceptance, understanding, and tolerance towards other people’s right to express themselves in whatever way they pleased. It also refocused my perspective, in that I see beauty all around me.
If you could share one piece of advice with incoming students, what would it be?
No matter how frustrating or dull it gets, just get through it and don’t quit!
What do people most commonly misunderstand about the criminal justice system, and about incarcerated people? What do you wish people understood?
I came to prison as what I call a “late bloomer” at the age of 48. Before that, I sometimes watched programs like “Locked Up,” depicting prisons that are violent and dehumanizing . But when I got here, scared and leery of everything around me, I began to see all of the positive people, programs, and volunteers around me. I later began associating with other inmates that wanted to better themselves as much as I did. I soon discovered that most of the people I’ve met in prison have more integrity and honesty than some of the people I used to be around in the outside world. What I would like for people to understand outside is that most of the people in prison are just like everyone else. Through positive role models, education can dramatically change the hearts and minds of anyone. It certainly has changed mine.