Fall 2021 Course Offerings

By Mount Tamalpais College | October 6, 2021

We’re delighted to share that in-person courses at San Quentin resumed on September 14, and we’re thrilled to be back in the classroom with our students after over a year apart. This fall semester brings back some beloved courses and introduces a few new offerings to our course catalogue. Below is a complete list of our fall 2021 course offerings and their instructors. Thank you to our incredible faculty and tutors for your dedication to our students! Inspired to join us? We will soon be recruiting faculty for the spring 2022 semester — stay tuned. 

CHM 111: General Chemistry with Lab

Taught by Randal Pendleton, Maxwell Coyle, and Noam Prywes

COM 146: Communications

Taught by Theresa Roeder, Alex Naeve, and William Bondurant

ENG 101A: Reading and Composition

Taught by Joel Childers

ENG 101B: Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing

Taught by Matthew Culler

ENG 204: Interdisciplinary Reading, Writing and Research

Taught by Mari Larangeira, John Fielding

ENG 99A: Developmental English I

Taught by Amy Shea, David Buuck

ENG 99A: Developmental English I

Taught by Susan Hirsch, Oliver Organista, Natasha Haugnes

ENG 99B: Developmental English II

Taught by Cherie McNaulty, Alestra Menendez

ENG 99B: Developmental English II

Taught by Alex Naeve, Anoop Jain

EST 204: Environmental Science

Taught by Emily Barnes, Salma Elmallah

GS 99: Introduction to College

Taught by Nigel Hatton

GS 99: Introduction to College

Taught by Priya Kandaswamy

HIS 101: U.S. History I

Taught by Benjamin Perez, Ian Sethre

HIS 280: Special Topic: The History and Art of Ancient Egypt

Taught by Rita Lucarelli

MTH 115: Intermediate Algebra

Taught by Mark Dittmer, Noah Bonnheim, Theo McKenzie

MTH 50A: Developmental Math I

Taught by Anila Yadavalli, Billy Morrison, David Wong, Juleen Lam

MTH 50B: Developmental Math II

Taught by Emmanuel Schaan, Judy King, and Mia Ihm

MTH 99: Elementary Algebra

Taught by Drew Behnke, Jean Chadbourne, and Kenny Daniels

PHL 270: Ethics

Taught by Bill Smoot

SOC 230: Sociology

Taught by Jane Yamashiro

SSC 280: Special Topic: Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies

Taught by Gabriella Licata, William Scheuerman

GS WKSP: Workshop: Ethics Bowl

Taught by Kyle Robertson and Collin Anthony