Charles Crowe

Meet MTC’s Newest Clerk, Charles Crowe

By Carson Temple | November 2, 2023

This August MTC welcomed the newest Program Clerk to our team, Charles Crowe. Crowe has been an MTC student for the last four years and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences. Before starting as a Program Clerk with MTC, Crowe worked as a Senior Editor and Staff Writer with San Quentin News where he wrote stories about the importance of the language used to humanize incarcerated people and grandparenting from prison. He is still involved with San Quentin News when he’s not busy assisting MTC.

Crowe calls himself a “lifetime learner” and has been teaching himself Spanish for the last 10 years by reading various grammar and vocabulary books and practice workbooks. It’s no surprise that the Spanish classes he’s taken with MTC have been his favorite. This fall semester, he is a Teaching Assistant for Spanish 101. Crowe is an advocate for the transformative power of education. He firmly believes in the profound impact it can have on an individual’s life, both in and out of prison. Crowe is driven by the belief that education can be a catalyst for positive change, not only for personal growth but also contributing to reducing recidivism rates. 

Crowe and the other MTC Program Clerk, Carl Raybon, support the day-to-day functioning of our college inside San Quentin to ensure everything runs smoothly. Some of their responsibilities include assisting with student registration and enrollment each semester, tracking student requests, and distributing student mailings. A large portion of their daily work is ensuring that faculty have all the materials they need for each class. Because we are limited to what we can bring in and out of the prison, a large portion of our Program Clerk’s role is to photocopy course readings and assemble course boxes, which is where our faculty keep all the materials needed for their class. Our college program would not be able to run as smoothly as it does without our Program Clerks. 

Welcome to the team, Crowe!